Multi Layered Security Evaluation

Web application business is on peak now a day. Web apps provide 24/7 access to a user for an effective and easy experience. But here with potentially exposed data, the application grabs hacker’s attention too.

Penetrating the condition of your applications, regardless of being created in-house or by an outsider is basic practice to reinforce your general security stance and meet consistent requirements. TOSH will leverage this information to perform manual penetration testing and automated scans. We follow multiple software tools and manual review procedures followed by false positive elimination.


We will plan the testing; the testing methodology is based on OWASP standards. TOSH will use automated web application scanning tool to perform automated scans on this web application.

Manual Penetration Testing:

The manual penetration testing stage is the core validation point for the previously identified weaknesses. Where appropriate, we will attempt controlled exploitation of the identified weaknesses to demonstrate risk and level of exposure. During this step, we will attempt to gain greater levels of access to the company’s web applications from the internet to gather information about the applications. Here we will perform below testing:

• Dynamic Testing (fuzzing, injections, traffic interception)
• System Testing (checking for logs, information records, registry keys, process strings)

boost up your security with

Our Premium Services


Vulnerability Assessment
Penetration Testing
AI & Manual Scanning

Red Teaming

Challenging IT infrastructure
multi-layered simulation
finding faulty loops

Risk Advisory

Managing Risks
Technology Controls
Identifying Human Risks

Cloud Security

Data Breach Testing
Restricting unwanted access
24/7 Support

Static Code Analysis

SAP cryptographic library

Web Application Security Testing

Dynamic Testing
System Testing
Detailed Reporting

Network Security Assesment

Model Threats
Penetration Testing
Analyse Results & Reporting

Mobile Application Security Assesment

Intensive Security Testing

Anxious about Knowing the Vulnerabilities triggering your Business working
